Live!QC Tools – Benefits

Indispensable Tools for Improving Business

Live!QC Tools is an easy-to-use Software for deploying the 7 QC Tools across the Organization to monitor processes, analyze data and undertake corrective action to stay on course in terms of achieving profitability and growth goals.

Built on a Client-Server architecture model, Live!QC Tools is an exclusive, one-of-a-kind platform, for conducting studies to improve processes. 

The versatility of the Industry Standard 7 QC Tools is captured by Live!QC Tools and enables collaboration across the organization.  Sharing and searching for data, charts, diagrams, reports is easy.  

One Tool for ALL Departments

Live!QC Tools is an invaluable software tool for ISO Certified Organizations to demonstrate Continuous Process Improvement, Action Taken Reports and Collaboration with stake holders.

Whether it is Sales, Marketing, Operations, Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Logistics, Human Relationship Management or any other function, once processes are in place, Live!QC is a technology enabler providing the framework to improve efficiency, eliminate bottlenecks and consistently achieve desired goals.

QC Tools Jigsaw Puzzle
Meeting Audit Requirements

Audit friendly

Live!QC Tools provides data in presentable form using Charts, Diagrams & Reports.  For example, ISO 9000 emphasizes on Continuous Process Improvement, Risk Management, Traceability, Team Empowerment, Management Participation and data to substantiate.  Herein, Live!QC Tools provides data in presentable form with the ability for the user to provide proof of compliance


Defect Analysis Multi Chart View

Collaboration - Key to Success

Hours and days are spent either searching or re-creating data.  Information in silos, affects organizational productivity and leads to decision paralysis.  

Analyses of past data, reveals the big picture and provides firm footing for critical direction change.  Monitoring changes and providing dynamic correction, helps organizations to be agile and adaptable to changes.  This is key to customer satisfaction, success and market capitalization.  Herein comes the benefits of implementing Live!QC Tools, in order to be Numero Uno in chosen field of activity.

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Problem Solving made easy with Live!QC Tools

Root cause analysis using Fishbone Diagram, understanding influencing parameters using Pareto Chart, Correlation between variables using Scatter Diagram are proven methods used by the industry.  By using Live!QC Tools and inviting observation from stake holders across the Organization, Solutions are fast and easy to find, in a truly collaborative manner.

Past Data, retrieved by search functionality in Live!QC Tools, helps accelerate solutions in a robust manner.  Incorporating changes and monitoring the same for process compliance, are vital, for the solution to succeed.  Carefully monitoring the process date, Live!QC Tools users are able to consistently deliver on Quality and Customer Satisfaction. Next Generation Growth requires adoption of Next Generation tools.  Live!QC Tools provides the framework to achieve the same.

Customer Satisfaction

Performance Rating

Quick Turnaround

Enhanced Quality